Extra Murals
SV Extra Murals is a training program aimed at building the wholesome personality of the students. By balancing the mental and physical skills through this wide ambit of courses the true potential can be harnessed to achieve excellence.
A wholesome personality is required for a balanced life. SV Extra Murals is a training program aimed at building the wholesome personality of the students. By balancing the Mental and Physical skills through this wide ambit of courses the true potential can be harnessed to achieve excellence.
The umbrella of courses include Performing & Theatre Arts such as Classical Dance, Western Dance, Key Board, Flute, Guitar, Drama etc.,
The Program also includes Martial Arts such as Karate, Silambam etc.,
Regular club activities related to Literature – English, French, Tamil, Hindi, for Environmental awareness – Eco Club, to promote Scientific Temper – Science Club, to develop logical and reasoning skills – Mathematics club, to bring in cultural and traditional affinity – Heritage Club and many more to foster and nurture and create consciousness of innate cognitive skills.
The superior personality traits such as adapting and dealing with the challenges with team and individual dynamics will be built through public speaking/elocution, essay writing, quiz and many other competitions. These are all the part of the SV Extra Mural.
Extramural competitions are inter-institutional competitions (representing teams or athletes from various institutions or clubs separately for each game or sport).To provide opportunities for talented students to develop and exhibit their potential fully and achieve excellence.
One of the great benefits of extramural activities is that they teach students about long-term commitments because they have a schedule they need to stick to so that they don’t let their team down. They have to learn about coping with time management so that their school work isn’t compromised.
Extramural activities are social activities that encourage kids to frequently interact with their peers. Extramural activities have greater academic success, greater character development, especially leadership skills, more positive social development, and greater interest in community involvement.
We encourage all learners to participate in the activities that we offer each term.
The Art of Excellence at Sudharsanam School is a special program to train students in both performing and visual arts. We have collaborated with renowned organizations and eminent personalities in these fields to smooth the path of learning for greater effect. These age-appropriate curricula promise all aspects of a child’s development and better learning outcomes.
At Sudharsanam Vidyaashram, the performing arts, such as theater, music, and dance, plays a significant role in helping children develop their creative skills. It’s all about self-expression, exploring alternative options, and embracing individuality. With improved self-confidence and self-belief, there is a natural pathway for children to go on to master many more skills that will equip them for life.
The Theater course at SV helps children learn
- Basic Stage Craft and Theory: Students will be initiated into the craft of theater, basic stage positioning and presence (prayer assembly), various forms of theater, and the history and evolution of the performing arts.
- Script Writing and Appreciation: The course will hone the writing skills of the students, encourage them to devise performance-based writing concepts, structure storylines, and kindle their writing spark by igniting their imagination.
- Public Speaking and Debate: Students are molded to present themselves in the right posture on stage, trained for apt voice modulation with clarity, and debate the right way to present their constructive views.
- Specific forms of theater: Students will be exposed to different forms of theater such as folk, proscenium, puppetry, mime, etc.
Sudharsanam Vidyaashram school believes that Playing stimulates the child’s brain to develop various motor skills like writing, jumping, walking, detailed handwork, planning, and making good decisions.
School playground provides better physical health to children, the more they are exposed to outdoor play activities. If interesting and more equipment is introduced in the school playground, students will be lured to use the equipment.
Outdoor physical activities improve muscle strength, alertness, motor skills, and strategic behaviour. Playgrounds provide children with an environment where they can engage in unstructured play. This enables them to use their imagination, which flows on to help the development of their emotional, social, and creative thinking skills, which are critical for performance in the classroom as well. Using their imagination and “free play”, children can build self-confidence—an essential life skill and one that may be harder to harness in a classroom environment. With “free play”, children may come across a physical obstacle that might frighten them at first, but by seeing other kids tackling these physical obstacles and the enjoyment on their faces, each child experiments with their own approach. This example highlights how important playgrounds are for self-confidence development. Classrooms can create a mental barrier for some children as they feel they may not be able to harness self-confidence in a more formal setting. Playgrounds offer the perfect middle-ground for children to experiment with their self-confidence and reduces any pressure they may feel in a classroom setting.
Dance is given the place of pride in our activity chart. Perpetuating our rich heritage in classical dance is an imperative duty. At the same time, students are also given opportunities to learn classical dance, and contemporary dance. Above all, learning dance gives one a deep sense of rhythm of movement and is also an excellent mode of exercise.
Students are permitted to identify and pursue their desired style of dancing and acting. Through this exposure, children are trained to think better, to act better and to express better.
Sudharsanam Vidyaashram organised classes for
for all categories of school students to sharpen their academic acumen and benchmark their credit scores.
Martial arts contain physical exercises, fighting techniques, and methods of mental discipline. SV warriors usually learn martial arts for self-defense; train for mental discipline. It also improves our confidence and self-esteem. Martial arts have a long history, not just benefit our health, improve our strength and balance, but can also learn the spirit of different kinds of martial arts. We proudly organised classes for
for all categories of school students.
The School Band is a popular group with many students expressing their keenness to be part of this prestigious activity. The school has an array of brass and other instruments and students are trained to learn notes and perform in a professional manner. Indeed it is a grand sight to watch the band in action at all school functions.
Learning and indulging in the visual arts is truly one of the most enriching and satisfying experiences. At Sudharsanam Vidyaashram, we believe that every student has inherent talent in some form of art or another and no effort is spared to give them the opportunity to develop and hone their talents. The sky is the limit to the kind of creative expression that the students exhibit in this field.
Some of the learning activities are
Drawing & Painting
Clay modeling or pottery
Collage making
Rangoli designs
SV Social responsibility: Experience service learning
At Sudharsanam Vidyaashram, the fundamental teaching for students is to accept education as an objective and as an opportunity to serve the community, especially the weaker sections. Students are encouraged to form themselves into groups, identify their own projects and work towards helping society. It stands to the credit of our students that they show remarkable initiative in planning and executing projects that make a difference in the lives of the underprivileged.
Activities that increase social responsibility at Sudharsanam School are free medical camps, wildlife conservation campaign, World population day rally,
Clean up the world campaign, teaching the underprivileged, a day at an old-age home, Plant a sapling, Campaign and Tobacco Awareness Campaign and so on.
Travel to Explore…..(Mysuru trip)
No knowledge of the world at large is complete without actually travelling, observing and experiencing the diversity of people, places and culture. Learning opportunities beyond classrooms are assured through educational tours at Sudharsanam Vidyaashram.
Our students have had fabulous opportunities to travel all over places for student exchange programs. The professionally organized trips offer the best places of educational value, historical and industrial interests, national monuments, heritage spots, and entertainment zones for a new learning ambiance under the direction of responsible faculty members. This exposure renders students the chance to have an informal learning environment, gain new perspectives, build closer bonds with their classmates, experience new environments and enjoy a day away from the classroom.
Sudharsanam School Clubs provides the opportunity for students to share their precious experience in organizing club activities at various levels. This excellent platform for students enables them to work in groups with specific activity objectives to unveil their latent talents. Their participation in these activities helps them develop leadership qualities, build self confidence and team spirit, augment group dynamics, prepare healthy competitive spirit and indirectly prepare them for a bold future.
Each club is headed by student club secretaries who are nominated by the staff selection council.
Clubs at Sudharsanam Vidyaashram are:
Various Inter House Competitions are held in respective clubs to kindle the flame for a healthy learning.
Of the various exposures and experiences given to SV sites, talent search, Olympiads and competitive contests are highly challenging ones. It refines the aptitude and sets the ambitious spirit among students. Be it in English, Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Social, Languages or General Knowledge, it helps students to learn a simple solution to a complex problem in no time. It’s not just an exam; rather it is a platform to nourish the talent pool for the future. Here, both National Competitive exams such as
Exams are organised for all categories of school students to sharpen their academic acumen and benchmark their credit scores.
Every year our school students are participating and achieving in various fields both cultural and sports.
“Design creates culture, Culture shapes values, and Values determine the future……”
“Har Ghar AKAM Souvenir Aur Stamps’ celebrations by the National Implementation Committee (NIC) of AKAM. The Department of Post in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, and the Department of School Education and Literacy organized the Stamp Design Competition from 1st Oct 2022 to 31st October 2022, with the goal of participation of at least 10 lakh school students from class VIII to Class XII. Nishanthini of XII “A”, is a gifted and exceptional child bringing laurels to SV through her power of innovation. It was a really red-letter day for SV when her design penciled in a groovy manner rocked the CBSE competition.
“Hustle and hit and never quit – It’s all about the racquets”
Nimble like a deer,fast like the wind, smashes and dashes of our SV Master. Yuvanesh of Class 7th fortified the singles runner-up Badminton Championship and joined hands with Arul Murugan of Class 7th their lightweight shuttle cocks had a smooth bounce and their amazing precision bagged doubles winner’s trophy in KCG Technology Karapakkam – Chairpersons Trophy.
“SV Agile athletes are always elite”
The euphoric victory of Selvaganapathi, Morris Gerrald M.S, Pranav Dharshan S.D – Class VII in State Level Inter School Athletic Championship’22 endorses the incredible strength of SVpliable players
Quiz Forte Supernovas !!!
Jigyasa : The AKAM (Azadika Amrit Mahotsav) Quiz is a step towards creating awareness and taking forward the parampara of Gyan through technology, innovation, and inclusive learning. It is the largest-ever quiz organized by CBSE. As India celebrates 75 years of independence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the Azadika Amrit Mahotsav. Taking his grand vision forward, VGN Chinmaya School conducted the Quiz on 28th November 2022. Our SV Quizzers Kaushik Raman-VIII C; Vijaya Bharati IX D won the 3rd Prize in the competition.
SV MERAKI ARTAND YOGA INTERSCHOOL COMPETITION ’23 was hosted by Sudharsanam Vidyaashram on 7th January 2023. SV was profoundly excited to have nearly 350 students from almost 12 schools collaboratively. There were category wise competitions like outline pictures colouring, Art depicting village life, Glass painting and Madhubani painting. The participants portrayed their perception and exhibited their creativity with colourful paintings. We happened to experience the great postures of the students performing various Asanas in Yoga competitions. The spirit of competition and enthusiasm filled the environment. The brimming talents of the students from various schools were acknowledged, appreciated and rewarded by the honourable Correspondent Sir Shri.P.Venkatesh Raja.
“SV Tigers can’t hold on………
Chennai Public school has organized Inter School Competition of Wisteria Cultural on 2nd and 3rd September 2022. Our SV Secondary and Senior Secondary students participated, won 4 rounds, and rack up runners-up in the Football match. Nandha Kishore of IX participated in Shipwreck, won two levels, and bagged the second position.
“Rise and shine, it’s badminton time…….SV Combatants Rocks!!”
RM Jain Public school in Thiruvallur has organized “The CSSC Tournament Inter School Badminton Tournament on 12th October 2022.
“Revive your spirit and Relax your mind……..!!!
CBSE has conducted a Painting Competition in “CBSE Expression Series on “Yoga for Fitness” as “Yoga- Making India Global”.Nishanthini of Class XII “A” participated and was time-honored with an E-Certificate for her phenomenal performance.
Sudharsanam Vidyaashram school believes that Playing stimulates the child’s brain to develop various motor skills like writing, jumping, walking, detailed handwork, planning, and making good decisions. School playground provides better physical health to children, the more they are exposed to outdoor play activities. If interesting and more equipment is introduced in the school playground, students will be lured to use the equipment.

Outdoor physical activities improve muscle strength, alertness, motor skills, and strategic behaviour. Playgrounds provide children with an environment where they can engage in unstructured play. This enables them to use their imagination, which flows on to help the development of their emotional, social, and creative thinking skills, which are critical for performance in the classroom as well. Using their imagination and “free play”, children can build self-confidence—an essential life skill and one that may be harder to harness in a classroom environment. With “free play”, children may come across a physical obstacle that might frighten them at first, but by seeing other kids tackling these physical obstacles and the enjoyment on their faces, each child experiments with their own approach. This example highlights how important playgrounds are for self-confidence development. Classrooms can create a mental barrier for some children as they feel they may not be able to harness self-confidence in a more formal setting. Playgrounds offer the perfect middle-ground for children to experiment with their self-confidence and reduces any pressure they may feel in a classroom setting.

Dance is given the place of pride in our activity chart. Perpetuating our rich heritage in classical dance is an imperative duty. At the same time, students are also given opportunities to learn classical dance, and contemporary dance. Above all, learning dance gives one a deep sense of rhythm of movement and is also an excellent mode of exercise.
Students are permitted to identify and pursue their desired style of dancing and acting. Through this exposure, children are trained to think better, to act better and to express better.
Sudharsanam Vidyaashram organised classes for
for all categories of school students to sharpen their academic acumen and benchmark their credit scores.
Martial Arts
Martial arts contain physical exercises, fighting techniques, and methods of mental discipline. SV warriors usually learn martial arts for self-defense; train for mental discipline. It also improves our confidence and self-esteem. Martial arts have a long history, not just benefit our health, improve our strength and balance, but can also learn the spirit of different kinds of martial arts. We proudly organised classes for
for all categories of school students.