it is a road map for the success story of generations.” At Sudharsanam Vidyaashram, we treat the admission process as pious and most important. So, we request the parents to understand the importance of the admission procedure and cooperate with us as required. Admission Procedure is a 9 Step process, please follow them in the right order. We highly appreciate your cooperation. <br>
Step 1: Collect the “Enquiry Form” from the Admission Counter / Reception. Fill in all the fields with
proper information.
Step 2: Parents have to get the Fee Structure and an Application Form, from the Admission Coordinator.
Step 3: After procuring the Application, the parents need to get the child / student to the school for having an interaction / assessment. This will give some idea to the school authorities about the support that the child needs and accordingly his/her support programmes will be designed.
* This assessment is not an admission test and is not for the purpose of screening or granting admission.
Step 4: After the basic assessment is done there will be an assessment counselling for the child and the
assessment sheets will be attached to the Application.
Step 5: After finishing the assessment counseling, the student, the parent and the admission counselor will meet the Vice Principal for personal interaction with the student and parents. Before meeting the parents have to go through and properly understand and sign the required forms, expressing willingness to obey various rules and regulations of the school. These are provided in-Application Form and in its attachments, Guidelines to parents, various annexures to the application as applicable. The parents need to furnish all the required documents (Transfer Certificate, Mark statement, Birth Certificate, Aadhar Copy, Community Certificate, etc.,) which will be checked by the record clerk (RC).
Step 6: After verifying and validating the Application, it will be signed by the Principal. This completes
the admission process.
One more request to the Parents, as every Step of the admission process is very important for building a good mutual understanding among the School-Student-Parents, pls. follow each of the steps mentioned without omitting or skipping. Proper mutual understanding builds a long and progressive relation with the school.
Admission Contact Personnel :
If the parents need to utilize Transport facility provided by the school, they may meet the Transport In-charge of the school. School Transport is only an option, it is not compulsory. Transport is granted based on the available seats / accommodation in a particular route.
Guidelines are given to the parents as the school feels that it is very important for the Parents to understand about the school and its functioning before proceeding with the admission process.
A school is a place where, not only academic subjects are taught but education is given for life. At school, a child develops into a matured individual and mostly the inputs given to a child at the school level will deeply guide him/her for the entire life.
So, to set a congenial environment at school for the children, to see, observe and learn, we have a set of rules and regulations. All the parents are requested to understand, follow the same and cooperate with us.
All the rules and regulations are drafted as per the vision and guidelines of the Management. So, parents have to abide by the set of rules, regulations and conditions. Taking admission by signing this “GUIDELINES TO THE PARENTS” means, the parent and the student have accepted to abide by them all.
1. Admission into this school is done at the will of the parent and student, after accepting to abide by all the rules and regulations of the school, which may be revised from time to time for the better functioning of the school.
2. Home is the first school for every one, so, the basic manners need to be taught continuously at home and the other talents required to come up in life will be added by the school.
3. The academic progress of a student depends on the team-work of the student, teacher and the
parent. So, all are vested with some responsibilities to fulfill. To accomplish these tasks there should be a mutual understanding and support among all.
4. School is a place where ‘teaching – learning process’ happens under the able guidance of the teachers. Parents are supposed to guide and assist the students for completing practice and revision work at home. Without a proper practice at home, it is impossible for the students to achieve merit.
5. Parents are bound to have control over their children for consolidated learning to happen. The level of parent’s, control and guidance provided at home, plays a major role in the academic performance of the student.
6. Parents are to see that their children maintain the punctuality and the timings of the school. Parents need to ensure the regular attendance of the students.
7. Parent needs to respond to the information provided by the concerned teachers.
8. The parents need to take care of the entire aspects of the students, required to attend the school, like neat and tidy uniform and setting the school bag as per timetable.
9. Parents are requested to understand that, the rules and regulations of the school are framed by the Management and as such are not expected to be targeted or argued about the same with any employee regarding them.
10. Parents should not allow their children to violate the discipline rules of the school. When they start at home, parents must ensure that they come to school properly as expected from a disciplined student.
11. School transport is not compulsory. The school transport timing and route etc., are organized, as per the convenience of the majority students. As such no personal requests to change any of them are entertained.
12. The parents are to stick on to the mentioned / given specific dates of fee payment and ensure that there is no fee due against their ward’s account. Parents are supposed to make a note of the specific date of fee payment and should not expect the school to remind.
13. The fee and payment dates fixed and informed at the time of admission are final and parents are not supposed to approach any authority in this regard. There will be a late fine for the payment done after the due date. So, we advise all the parents to make the payment as per the schedule and avoid late payment of fee.
14. In the fee remains pending for more than the stipulated time, automatically the student’s name will be taken out of rolls.
15. The admission is given to the student supposing that, he/she will completion full academic year. In case of any emergency, if he/she needs to apply for TC in between the academic year, the following rules apply,
* If leaving anytime between 1st April and 30 September, the entire first term fee need to be paid.
* If leaving anytime between 1 October and 30th March, the entire first and second term fee (full fee) needs to be paid.
16. It becomes the responsibility of the school to encourage the students to focus on various outside programmes and competitions conducted by private or public parties and as such we will inform them to all. Such 3rd party programmes and competitions are not compulsory for any student, it is only an option of the parent whether to apply or buy such products (particularly books) or not.
17. The school takes utmost care about the food aspect of the students. The parents are requested to follow the diet chart given by the school and limit the quantity as per the capacity of the child. Non- vegetarian food is not allowed in the school. So, parents have to avoid the same. If they wish to provide egg, the yellow is to be removed and only the white of the egg may be provided.
18. To cultivate good dining etiquettes the parents have to provide hand towels, napkins, spoon, fork etc., which are necessary while having lunch and snacks.
19. The school takes every care to build overall personality of every child and so takes care of all aspects of behavior. But it becomes an integrated responsibility of the parents to take care of the company of the children at home and neighborhood. Any undesired influence from any corner may altogether change the personality of the child…
20. If your child faces any problem at the school, pl. inform the school authorities immediately or at the earliest, avoiding delay, so that, the school authorities can pool-up all the required resources at the earliest and make the student comfortable. Delay in your information may put the child in to discomfort for more time.
21. No student of Sudharsanam Vidyaashram should wear / put on valuables (ornaments, any other thing of high value may be a costly watch etc..) for any reason. Against this instruction, if any student comes wearing / bring the valuables, the school is, not responsible, for them, in any way (loss or damage). No complaints will be taken in this regard.
*Students should come in proper uniforms with school supplied shoes &ID Card.
*Their hair should be groomed and should not be styled.
*Boys should come in clean shave & their Nails should be trimmed.
*They should not stich their pants or shirts in tight fitting.
*For KG students 1 set of spare dress to be given to the class teacher.
*Students should come in proper uniforms with school supplied shoes & ID card.
*They should come in two Plates, not in loose hairs.
*Hair above the shouldershould be tied and ribboned.
*Girls should wear small stud no hangings are permitted &kajal or any other cosmetics are not permitted.
*No gold jewels are permitted.
*For KG students 1 set of spare dress to be given to the class teacher.
23. Medical History / attention or additional health support requisition information of the children is to be provided to the school office and to the class teacher, in writing and collect the acknowledgment (a photocopy of the letter from the parent to the school, signed by the receiving staff), this is compulsory and is a must. Pl. avoid oral information in this regard. The information will be kept confidential, if the parent wishes so.
24. Parents should see that the students avoid taking leave during exam-time for any reason other than health grounds. Simply taking leave for any other reasons than health reasons will send a message to the student that they are more important than education and they may start treating education in the same way forever.
25. The time table is given in such a way, to the extent possible, to make the school bag to minimum weight. Even during the absence of a particular teacher, no other subject will be taken, if it is not in the days’ time-table. So, the parents should check/see/help the students to keep the books as per the time-table and take-out all the unnecessary material (Newspapers, hard bound private company diaries, colours etc.,). The subjects which have more than one book (text book, grammar book, non-detailed book, map book, graph book etc..), the days on which students are supposed to bring a particular book is mentioned in the time table. So, students need to bring only that particular book on a particular day.
26. So, the parents are to take initiative in helping the children to set their books/bag and other stationery as per the time-table. From the school’s side we have done the necessary work to check the school bag weight and to put it to the minimum. Parents are expected to check and guide the individual students, as it is impossible for the teachers to check for all the students at school.
Format of the leave letter is printed in the handbook. Parents are requested to take Photocopies, Sign and return while applying for leave.
The following rules should be adhered while applying for leave.
a) The class teacher should be intimated before taking leave. A minimum of 90% attendance is compulsory for meritorious performance.
b) 75% Attendance is required for an Academic Year, to appear for the final exams.
c) Leave should be sanctioned in advance before taking, except for reasons of sickness.
d) Leave letter with medical certificate should be brought when the child reports back to school, after recovering from sickness.
e) Long leave for pilgrimage or religious function or marriage is not permitted.
f)Attendance is compulsory on all Re-opening days and closing days of the sessions.
g) Whenever leave is taken parents are to maintain the leave record of the student and mention the total leaves taken in the particular academic year and also number of leaves taken during that particular month.
1. Please read the Handbook and familiarize yourself with the values, rules and regulations of the school.
2. Kindly take responsibility and be aware of your ward’s progress in school. Ensure that your ward goes home and reviews schoolwork at home on a regular basis. Parents are welcome to meet the teachers to discuss matters during the allotted timeslots.
3. Help your child to come to school well prepared clean and dressed in proper uniform, with all the relevant study materials.
4. Open days are organized as per the dates mentioned in the school calendar. Only parents/guardians should meet the teachers, sign and take note of the Achievement Record and feed back from teachers. Tuition teachers or other relatives will not be entertained.
5. If for any compelling reasons, parents are not in a position to come for the PTM (Parents Teacher Meeting) they should sign the Report Card within next 5 days by meeting the class teacher after class hours with prior appointment.
6. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, your ward will be benefiting if he/she is encouraged to speak in English at home.
7. Holidays declared for all educational institutions by the State or Central Government on account of inclement weather/strikes/mourning as notified by the media would be applicable to our school.Parents are requested to avoid phone calls in this regard for further clarification.
8. In the events of closure of the school in extraordinary circumstance, the school may have to work on one or more Saturdays to compensate the loss of working days. Attendance on all such Saturdays is mandatory.
9. Every student must take part in the school games and other activities, unless found physically unfit or exempted by the principal for specific reason.
10. Please note that students will not be allowed to go home for lunch, Parents should make arrangements to send lunch to school necessary
11. Parents shall not contact any teachers over telephones or at the teacher’s residence. Parents are requested to meet the teachers in the school premises after the class hours.
12. Without prior permission from school authorities no student/group of students are allowed to collect funds in cash or cheque from any internal and external source. Parents are expected to advice their wards in this regard. “Any violation shall result in dismissal with T.C. issued”.
13. Students are forbidden from bringing heavy cash / cellphone and wearing costly jewels to school. However, if they have to bring money for bus /auto etc., it is allowed. If any student is caught with heavy cash during surprise checks, the money, cellphone will be confiscated.
14. School office will accept school fees / Van fees or any other fees only from the parents/guardian directly.